

Laboratory Action

Department of Anatomy

Information about Anatomy

The word “Anatomy” comes from the Greek words “ana” meaning “up” and “tome”, meaning “a cutting” Students of Anatomy have traditionally depended on cutting up Or dissection.

Human Anatomy is the scientific study of the body’s structures. Some of these structures are very small and can only be observed and analysed with the assistance of a microscope. Gross anatomy is the study of the larger structures of the body, those visible without the aid of magnification. Microscopic anatomy include cytology, the study of cells and histology, the study of tissues. This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Anatomy lab

The Department has a large well ventilated, special floored dissection hall with distinctive illumination. The embalming room has custom-built stainless steel tank for storing cadavers. Adequate cadavers are provided to the students for dissection. Histology is taught with the help of latest techniques. Teaching is also done with the help of CD ROMs, transparencies and slides. The museum has been artistically designed to accommodate dissected specimens and embryology models. The museum is accessible to the students for self-study.

Department of Physiology & Bio-chemistry

Information about Physiology & Bio-chemistry

Human physiology is the scientific study of the chemistry and physics of the structures of the body. Physiology explains how the structures of the body work together to maintain life.

It is difficult to study structure (Anatomy) without knowledge of function (Physiology). The two disciplines are typically studied together because form and function are closely related in all living things. The study of physiology certainly includes observation, both with the naked eye and with microscopes, as well as manipulations and measurements.

Biochemistry is the study of the bio-chemical substances and vital procedures occurring in living beings. It includes the study of metabolism (anabolism & catabolism) of molecules like proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates & lipids, which are closely connected, with the functions of life. This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Physiology & Bio-chemistry

It has large laboratories, which are fully equipped with the latest modern teaching aids. Teaching on all systems is done with the help of CD ROMs and Polygraph, E.C.G machines etc. Exhaustive tutorials are held regularly so as to make learning simpler. The Department has charts highlighting the important topics in Physiology. The laboratory is well equipped with separate work tables and separate apparatus for each students.

Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Information about Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Materia Medica is a Latin term that means “Medical Materials” which refers to the collect body of knowledge about drugs or medications. Homoeopathic Materia Medica being the reference guide to homoeopathic medicines that describes individual active ingredients and the symptoms that they may address.

A Materia Medica lists homoeopathic ingredients in alphabetical order and provides a summary of “proving”, or research, for each ingredient. Studying Materia Medica means to gain knowledge about action of drugs, drugs pathogenesis, therapeutic utilities of drugs and comparing drugs. This Department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Homoeopathic Materia Medica

It has a large departmental library with many references books and drug specimens. The department conducts educational seminars regularly for the students' benefit. 

Department of Organon of Medicine with Homoeopathic Philosophy

Information about Organon of Medicine with Homoeopathic Philosophy

Organon, derived from Greek word “Organum” means an instrument of thought or knowledge. Medicine, derived from Latin word “medicine” which means healing art.

Organon of Medicine is the English translation of its original German “Organon Der Heilkunst”. It is an instrument in the hands of physician for rational treatment as described by Pierre Schmidt (1894-1987).

This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations 2013.

Organon, derived from Greek word “Organum” means an instrument of thought or knowledge. Medicine, derived from Latin word “medicine” which means healing art.

Organon of Medicine is the English translation of its original German “Organon Der Heilkunst”. It is an instrument in the hands of physician for rational treatment as described by Pierre Schmidt (1894-1987).

This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Organon of Medicine with Homoeopathic Philosophy

The department has a large departmental library with numerous reference books. It also make use of teaching aids like CD ROMs, transparencies, charts and slides on various topics so that students can have better and easier understanding of the subjects. The department also organises a yearly debate on the occasion of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's birth anniversary. On the title page, the phrase ‘AUDE SAPERE ’ in Latin, meaning ‘dare to be wise’ is used by Hahnemann from Second edition onwards in The Organon of Medicine, as he thought it most appropriate to his new school of medicine – Homoeopathy, and also probably to tell his followers to know for themselves, the true art of medicine. The phrase was used by the Roman poet, Horace, first and subsequently quoted by the German Philosopher, Immanuel Kent, from where probably Hahnemann was inspired to use this.

Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Information about Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Homoeopathic Pharmacy is a science of collecting, combing, preserving, preparing and standardizing drugs and medicine from vegetables, mineral, animal kingdom and certain physiological and morbid substances.

Homoeopathic Pharmacy is the study of methods for identification, collection & processing of medicinal substance from different sources of nature, preparing, preserving them in laboratory, combing and compounding according to the rules and regulations of homoeopathic pharmacopoeia and dispensing them according to the physician’s recommendations. This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Homoeopathic Pharmacy

It has a well developed herb garden and availability of drug specimens for demonstration purpose. It has a large laboratory with separate work tables and separate apparatus for each student. Teaching is done with the help of Audio Visual techniques. The department has a well stocked library. Educational visits to reputed Homoeopathic manufacturing units are arranged.

Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Information about Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

FORENSIC MEDICINE & TOXICOLOGY, The word forensics comes from Latin forensic, meaning “of or before the forum”. In Roman times, the forum was the place both the accused and the accuser met in front of a group of public individuals to defend themselves.

The individual with the best argument would determine the outcome of the case. This origin is the source of the two modern usages of the word forensic –as a form of legal evidence and as a category of public presentation. Forensic medicine was earlier known as medical jurisprudence. In some countries it is still known as legal medicine and in certain cases, state medicine.

Forensic medicine & Toxicology, an important and integral part of medical education, has been a silent spectator to its ups and downs in the recent past. Having had its glory at times, playing pivotal role at places in aiding criminal justice, it has unfortunately failed to sustain the impetus and its importance. The teaching and training of undergraduate medical students also imparts a reasonable grounding of medical ethics, and the law relating to medical men. This section is often neglected in medical curricula in developing countries. Members of this specialty are often called to be part of the ethical committee in their institution, since they are daily imparting to the undergraduates the ethical aspect of practice.

This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic College and attached Hospital) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

This interesting subject is taught with the help of a good, well-appointed museum with a large number of models and specimens. Facilities for students to view autopsies are made available 

Students are familiarized with existing relevant laws. Educational visits to Government Departments related to the subject are organized regularly.

Department of Pathology

Information about Pathology

Pathology is a branch of medical science primarily concerning the cause, origin and nature of disease. It involves the examination of tissues, organs, bodily fluids and autopsies in order to study and diagnose disease.

Pathology also includes the related scientific study of disease processes whereby the causes, mechanisms and extent of disease are examined. Areas of study include cellular adaptation to injury, necrosis (death of living cells or tissues), inflammation, wound healing and neoplasia (abnormal new growth of cells). Pathologists specialise in wide range of diseases including cancer and the vast majority of cancer diagnoses are made by pathologists. The cellular pattern of tissue samples are observed under a microscope to help determine if a sample is cancerous or non-cancerous (benign). Pathologists also employ genetic studies and gene markers in the assessment of various diseases.

Fascilities in Pathology

The department has spacious practical halls and well equipped laboratories with separate work tables and separate apparatus for each student.

The Pathology museum has large number of specimens. The museum has a demonstration room with the state of the art audio-visual equipment.

Department of Community Medicine

Information about Community Medicine 

It is a branch of Medicine which deals with provision of Preventing, Promotive, curative, rehabilitative and evaluative services to the community through organized health care and delivery system.

The scope of community medicine embraces aspects of concepts of concept of disease, hygiene, meeting community demands in respect of emergency of new diseases and outbreak, immunization, preventive aspect of mother and child health, food and nutrition including balanced diet, services provided by each National Health Program, Prevention and control of communicable and non- communicable disease, demography and family planning, environment and heath, waste disposal, occupational health, basic bio-stats and communication and evaluative strategy.

This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic College and attached Hospital) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Community Medicine 

It is involved in many extension activities such as teaching, training and service activities. Department has a large number of specimens for demonstration purposes.

National Social service scheme activities are conducted regularly. Students are taken for visits to various places of public health interests like Corporation water works, Sewage treatment plants, Infectious diseases Hospital.

Students are encouraged to take part in National Programs like Pulse Polio Immunisation Campaign, World AIDS day program as part of health education and awareness.

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Information about Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Obstetrics and Gynaecology are two fields of medicine that deal with what women consider as very private. Obstetrics is the field of study focused on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

As a restorative forte, obstetrics is joined with gynaecology under the order known as obstetrics and gynaecology. Gynaecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive system (vagina, uterus and ovaries) and the breasts. Literally, outside medicine, it means “the science of women”. Its counterpart is andrology, which deals with medical issues specific to the male reproductive system.

This departments is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic College and attached Hospital) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

This department has well equipped OPD with facilities like USG, Colposcopy, and Antenatal clinic, Infertility clinic.

Department of Surgery 

Information about Surgery

Surgery in Latin ‘Chirurgiae’ or in Greek ‘chirurgical’ meaning “Hand work” It’s a medical speciality that uses operative manual and Instrumental techniques to investigate, treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury to improve bodily functions and appearances. It is considered as an invasive procedure that involves cutting of patients live tissues.

The oldest known surgical texts dates back to Indian Physician Sushruta, The father of Surgery. Who taught and practised surgery in the banks of Ganges around 600 BC, famously know as Sushruta Samahita. Other ancient cultures to have surgery knowledge include Ancient Greek, Huae two in China was first to perform surgery with the aid of Anaesthesia 1600 years before the practice was Adapted by Europeans.

It middle ages surgery was developed in high degree in Islamic world particularly by Abulcasis. Whose Comprehensive medical text shaped European surgical process up until the renaissance. He is often regarded as a father of surgery.

In Europe demand grew for Surgery to formal study and then practice.

By fifteenth century at the latest surgery had split from physics as its own subject and Initially took a form of craft tradition until ROGERIUS SALERNITANUS composed his chirgia, laying the foundation for modern western surgical manuals upto the modern times.

Surgery helps to eliminate the ultimate but not the case. But when this ultimate becomes a foreign matter and behaves as an obstacle to cure. So complete recovery is not possible without removing the obstacle e.g. sequestrum in osteomylitis.

On one hand surgery can play in important role in medicine sine some conditions such as congenital deformities, structural problems, server injure or life threatening pathological conditions are simply not treatable without surgery. Whereas successful surgery does not mean ‘cure’ because the underline pathological process that created the disease then in first place are not removed by it requires Homoeopathic medicines.

Homoeopathic surgery is that form of treatment where the so called surgical cases can be averted, managed, completely or helped in the pre-operative and post-operative stages with homoeopathic medicines only.

This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic College and attached Hospital) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Surgery

Department has a large library with numerous reference books, large number of instruments and specimens for demonstrations. It carries out extensive clinical training programs for the students which includes both IPD and OPD training. Students are exposed to modern techniques in Surgery.

Department of Repertory

Information about Repertory

Repertory word is derived from Latin word “Repertoire” or Repertorium which is again derived from Latin word (Repertus) which is a post participle of word Repairer. This means reproduce. So the repertory is an artistic collection of scientifically proved medicine on healthy human begins and then store in Homoeopathic Materia Medical and again reproduced in repertory.

C.M.F. Baron Von Boenninghausen was first stalwart who grades the remedy and known as “FATHER OF REPERTORY”AN and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. The Father of Homoeopathy prepare the first repertory known to world as “Fragmenta deviribus Medicamentorum positives” in 1805. As the science of Homoeopathy is based on principal “SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTER”. Accordingly repertory helps the Homoeopathic Physician as a tool to reach an important group of medicines in order to select the final remedy. Now a days there are many Repertory softwares are available like RADAR, HOMPATH etc which aid to manage the repertorization in few seconds for the students as well as to the practitioners.

This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic College and attached Hospital) Regulations 2013.

Fascilities in Repertory

The Department has large number of Repertories in addition to various reference books. It also has Homoeopathic software for easy computer based repertorisation. The department organizes regular seminars inviting people of National and International repute.

Department of Practice of Medicine

Information about Practice of Medicine

Practice of Medicine is a science and art of medicine which is an integration of academic knowledge, clinical skills and complimented by the investigations to reach a relevant diagnosis and selecting an appropriate therapeutic agent with plan of management including diet, restrictions, and exercises. Evidence based medicine is an essential principle of the patient care along with the recommended guidelines as per the approved prevalent laws of the land as suggested by the medical fraternity

Homoeopathy has a distinct approach for the concept of disease and its treatment. Homoeopathy advocates treating the man in disease and not the disease in man thereby recommending the concept of Individualisation. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy recommends that a physician shall possess the skills of differentiation, sharp observation and conceptual clarity about disease.

With the evolution of science the subject of Practice of Medicine has also evolved in Homoeopathy and it is recommended that the Homoeopathic Physicians shall have the capability of taking the help of latest diagnostic techniques and laboratory investigations. This curriculum is designed to provide ample academic knowledge with sufficient clinical exposure to develop the skills of perception the clinical features, differential diagnosis and the disease prognosis with tactical usage of appropriate Homoeopathic medicines under the guidance of competent teacher for the period of 2.5 years followed by internship of one year.

This department is equipped with all necessary items as prescribed in the Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic College and attached Hospital) Regulations 2013. 

Fascilities in Practice of Medicine

Department has a large library with numerous reference books, large number of instruments and specimens for demonstrations. It carries out extensive clinical training programs for the students which includes both IPD and OPD training.