The following rules shall be strictly followed by the students: 1. The Academic session of the college will start as per guidelines from Ministry of AYUSH and the admitted students shall attend the classes from the very first day. 2. That students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college and shall be liable to punishment for misconduct and activities contrary to rules & regulations and command of the college authority and administration. 3. Special facilities & Privileges for poor and deserving students will be considered to the extent possible. 4. All the student must carry an identity card issued by the principal or authorized signatory. They shall be entitle to enter the classes and hospital only if they posses identity card and apron. 5. Students must be regular and punctual in theory and practical classes. They must have to attain 75% of the total number of lectures. Whose attendance is less than 75% will not be allowed to fill up the university examination form. 6. The management reserves the right to deal with those students whose conduct will be found undesirably. 7. Admission of any candidate may be cancelled if any discrepancy is detected or the candidate fails to comply with the rules, regulation and other condition as laid down by the college administration /Authority. 8. Rules of eligibility for admission are followed strictly. The college however, reserves the right to refuse admission to any candidate without assigning any reason. 9. Fee once paid is not refundable under any circumstances. 10. Ragging activities within the campus or outside the campus in any form, committed by the student or students are liable to be prosecuted and expulsion from the college. 11. No activity of the students in the form of union shall be appreciated within or outside the college or participation with the group organization / union activity of any other institution. 12. Any illegal / criminal and ragging activities within the campus of outside the campus in any form, liable to expelled / de rolled from the admission register for ever or be liable for suitable legal action. 13. After completion of 42 years of the course the student has to undergo compulsory 1 year rotatory internship in the college hospital in different department for clinical training. |